Strategic Momentum Partners

Understanding the Sunday Scaries: What Businesses Need to Know

Written by Strategic Momentum Partners | May 30, 2024 3:15:40 PM

Have you ever felt that gnawing sense of dread as the weekend winds down, knowing that Monday is just around the corner? If so, you're not alone. This phenomenon, often called the 'Sunday Scaries,' affects a vast number of people, causing anxiety and restlessness as the new workweek approaches. For businesses, understanding and addressing this issue is crucial in fostering a healthier, more productive workforce. In this article, we'll dive deep into what the Sunday Scaries are, backed by statistics, and explore why it's essential for businesses to take note.

What Are the Sunday Scaries?

The Sunday Scaries refer to the feelings of anxiety or dread that arise on Sunday evenings as the weekend ends and the workweek looms. While it's often discussed in the context of employees, business owners are equally susceptible. The weight of responsibilities, upcoming tasks, and unresolved issues can lead to significant stress, affecting both mental health and productivity.

Impact on Different Generations

While the timing and intensity can vary, surveys indicate that the Sunday Scaries are an extremely common phenomenon. Approximately 80% of American adults experience them, with up to 90% of millennials and Gen Z reporting these feelings. If excessive anxiety persists into the workweek, exploring coping strategies or seeking professional support may be necessary.

Common Symptoms of Sunday Scaries

The Sunday Scaries are essentially a form of anticipatory anxiety. People experience mental and physical symptoms in anticipation of something unpleasant or stressful, which, in this case, is the start of the new workweek. This anxiety typically starts building up on Sunday afternoons or evenings as the weekend comes to an end. Recognizing the symptoms of the Sunday Scaries can help individuals and businesses take proactive steps to address this anxiety. Here are some common symptoms:

  • A Sense of Dread: Feeling anxious or a sense of impending doom about the upcoming work week.
  • Difficulty Sleeping: Experiencing insomnia or trouble falling asleep on Sunday nights.
  • Physical Discomfort: Headaches or an upset stomach due to stress.
  • Irritability: Feeling restless or easily irritated.
  • Intrusive Thoughts: Persistent thoughts about work tasks or meetings that you can't shake off.
  • Resentment or Anger: Feeling frustrated or angry about having to return to work.

Key Statistics

  • According to a survey by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 79.5% of U.S. adults report trouble falling asleep on Sundays compared to other nights.
  • A survey found that nearly 31% of respondents consider Sunday the hardest night to fall asleep.
  • Among millennials (ages 26-41), 33.9% and 31.9% of Gen Z (ages 18-25) consistently struggle with Sunday night sleep.
  • A LinkedIn survey reveals that around 80% of Americans experience the Sunday Scaries, with 90% of Gen Z and millennials reporting these feelings.
  • The anxiety typically starts around 3:58 pm on Sunday afternoons, though it can vary from person to person.
  • For some, the anxiety fades as Monday progresses, but for others, it lingers into the workweek, impacting their performance and well-being.

Why Business Owners Need to Recognize the Sunday Scaries

By addressing this common issue, businesses can foster a more supportive and efficient work environment. Ignoring the Sunday Scaries can have detrimental effects on both personal well-being and business operations. Here's why recognizing and addressing this anxiety is vital:

  • Mental Health: Persistent anxiety can lead to burnout, depression, and other mental health issues. For business owners, maintaining mental wellness is crucial for effective leadership and decision-making.
  • Productivity: Anxiety can sap energy and focus, making it harder to tackle the week's challenges. By managing these feelings, you can start the week on a stronger footing.
  • Work-Life Balance: Addressing the Sunday Scaries can improve your overall work-life balance, making weekends more enjoyable and weekdays less stressful.

Effective Strategies to Manage Sunday Scaries

Here are some effective strategies to help reduce the Sunday Scaries:

  • Plan Ahead
      • Create a To-Do List: Write down tasks in order of priority. Having a clear roadmap can reduce uncertainty and make Monday seem less daunting.
      • Set Realistic Goals: Avoid overloading your schedule. Be realistic about what you can achieve and leave some flexibility for unexpected issues.
  • Establish a Sunday Night Routine
      • Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that help you unwind, such as reading, taking a bath, or practicing mindfulness.
      • Avoid Work-Related Tasks: Try to disconnect from work-related thoughts and activities on Sunday evening. Give yourself permission to rest and recharge.
      • Create a Relaxing Routine: Establish a Sunday evening routine that helps you wind down, such as taking a bath, reading a book, or doing light yoga. Having comforting rituals to look forward to can ease anxiety.
  • Focus on Positive Aspects
      • Gratitude Journaling: Write down things you’re grateful for and proud of in your business. This positive reinforcement can change your mindset.
      • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge small successes from the previous week and use them as motivation.
      • Practice Positive Self-Talk: Notice and reframe negative thought patterns that fuel your Sunday anxiety. Replace them with positive affirmations like "I've got this" or "One day at a time."
  • Physical Activity
      • Go for a Walk: A walk in nature can be incredibly soothing and a good way to clear your mind.
      • Yoga or Stretching: Gentle exercises can relax your muscles and calm your mind.
      • Move Your Body: Engage in physical activity like yoga, walking, or other exercise you enjoy. Movement can boost your mood and reduce stress.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
      • Mindful Breathing: Engage in mindfulness practices like meditation to help you stay present and avoid getting caught up in anxious thoughts about the future. Even just 5-10 minutes of mindful breathing or a guided meditation can calm your mind.
  • Get Enough Sleep
      • Prioritize Sleep: Ensure you get sufficient, quality sleep on Sunday nights by establishing a calming pre-bed routine and going to bed early. Being well-rested can improve your ability to cope with stress.
  • Plan Something Enjoyable for Monday
      • Look Forward to Monday: Give yourself something to look forward to on Monday, whether it's your favorite breakfast, a fun activity after work, or just blocking off time for a hobby you enjoy. This can make Mondays seem less daunting.
  • Seek Support
      • Business Networks: Joining a group of like-minded business owners can offer a sense of community and shared understanding.
      • Professional Help: If the Sunday Scaries become overwhelming, consider speaking to a mental health professional for guidance.
  • Make a Weekly Plan
    • Organize Your Schedule: Take time on Sundays to plan and organize your schedule for the upcoming week. Having a sense of control over your time can reduce anxiety about the unknown.

Business Strategies to Support Employees

By fostering a supportive and understanding work environment, businesses can alleviate the anxiety employees may feel before the start of a new workweek. Here are some effective strategies to help your employees transition smoothly from the weekend to the workweek.

  • Promote Work-Life Balance
      • Encourage Disconnection: Encourage employees to disconnect from work during weekends and take time for themselves. Implement policies that support a healthy work-life balance.
  • Foster a Positive Work Environment
      • Value Well-Being: Create a workplace culture that values employees' well-being. Recognize and address workplace stressors that contribute to anxiety.
  • Offer Mental Health Resources
      • Provide Access: Provide access to mental health resources, such as counseling services, stress management workshops, or mindfulness training.
  • Flexible Scheduling
      • Offer Flexibility: Consider offering flexible scheduling options to reduce the pressure of a rigid workweek. This can help employees manage their time more effectively and reduce Sunday anxiety.
  • Encourage Open Communication
    • Foster Communication: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their concerns and anxieties. Open communication can help identify and address issues that contribute to the Sunday Scaries.


Understanding and addressing the "Sunday Scaries" is essential for businesses committed to supporting their employees' mental health and boosting productivity. The anxiety and stress that often accompany Sunday evenings can negatively impact job satisfaction and performance, making proactive measures vital. By recognizing symptoms such as a sense of dread, difficulty sleeping, and irritability, employers can implement effective strategies. These include promoting mindfulness, establishing relaxing routines, and fostering a positive work environment. Additionally, offering flexible scheduling, providing mental health resources, and encouraging open communication are crucial steps in helping employees manage their Sunday Scaries. Prioritizing these strategies not only enhances employee well-being but also leads to a more engaged and productive workforce. Take action today to make a significant difference in your team's lives and your business's success.